Theatre for Reflection

In 2018 and 2019 we have carried out the second edition of social intervention theatre in the Tenerife II Penitentiary Center with women and men deprived of their liberty. On this occasion we have called the project: Theatre for Reflection,
which has been made thanks to the grant awarded by the CajaCanarias Foundation.
The theatre and the art of social intervention as a socio-educational methodology allow us to deal, at a group level, with certain personal experiences, deepening in its socio-cultural and economic determinants. Undoubtedly, these tools allow us to detect, analyze and deepen issues that are sometimes delicate and difficult to work on it.
The project's main objective is to create empathetic and relaxed relational environments, as well as to regenerate human relations that favor the development of each person's potential within the collective and allow positive changes.
A project that has a great acceptance within the center, both by the participants and by the faculty and its directors.
An experience that undoubtedly continues to move many hearts.