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Working towards new forms of collective governance

Invest in social intelligence using methodologies that help the society to mature in relation to the implication about the matters that concern us.


Good governance, transparency and participation start from our closest realities, in our communities or work groups.

We work on the generation of participated public policy strategies.


en procesos takes advantage of the concrete projects that we performs, regardless of the theme or area, to apply the principles and practices of interactive and deliberative participation, horizontality, transparency, inclusion and search for the common good.


We also work on creative participatory processes from our methodological approach, facilitating:     


  • The coordination of the participatory process.     

  • The circulation of reliable and contrasted information.      

  • Techniques and tools necessary for the assembly process to be open, participatory, inclusive, reflective and transparent.  

  • Creative ways to approach participation.     

  • Action-oriented participation.

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